Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Favorite Model

Alackaday, for my life drawing class has been rubbed out by the merciless eraser that is time. At least the last class was a fun one. Lori, Queen of AwesomePoseLand, modeled, and all of her poses are awesome. The awesome thing about awesome poses is that they often result in awesome drawings!

See? Awesome!

Interesting Observation: the pool of Northeast Ohioan life drawing models is composed almost exclusively of bikers.

Speaking of bikers...
Okay, this requires some background. The students at my high school never used the library. It is a sad fact that, until last year, no one I know ever checked out a book. Why? We were scared! There were two short, blond, and very elderly librarians. They were both SCARY (have I emphasized their EXTREMELY HIGH FRIGHTENING QUOTIENT enough?). Orange just spent a few million dollars upgrading to a "media center", though, and Angry Librarian 1 retired (in protest? Perhaps) and was replaced by The Really Nice Librarian That We All Remember From Elementary School (she is also short and elderly, but more of a light, dusty brunette than a blond).
So, now that the hate factor of the library has been reduced by 50%, sometimes... my friends and I actually work on projects there! Most recently, we did a 3 panel mural that represented the themes, motifs, and symbols in Salman Rusdie's The Moor's Last Sigh (go read it!). As we are coloring in Ganesha, Angry Librarian 2 walks by, breaks into a maniacal grin, and tells us her life story.


She is a biker! The licence plate on her motorcycle says "Ganesha". She was married in a Hindu ceremony. Her house is filled with curiosities from the Jewel in England's Crown.
What?! Are you as floored by this development as I am? Cuz I am seriously floored. And now she is nice to us. It is eerie. I expect Rod Serling will be popping by any minute now.

I'm pretty sure there is a moral having to do with books and their covers here.

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